God has been speaking to me a lot recently about gardens and seasons, and how these analogies relate to what He is doing in our lives or what we need to grow (spiritually, physically, emotionally. I love these analogies and the images that they conjure up - a garden needs all the right nutrients and elements to grow and flourish, just like we do. Metaphorical weeds and thorns can choke our growth, being 'planted' in the right environment helps us to reach our full potential, the right nutrition helps us to be our healthiest selves.
When I think about Autumn I think of shedding leaves - letting go of things that weigh us down, whether that's hurts, shame, guilt, or negative thoughts about ourselves. Winter is for rest and re-cooperation. spring time is for new growth, maybe new opportunities and summer is for joy, colour, life and passion!
I opened one of the books on my Kindle earlier this week which I hadn't remembered reading before but I obviously had because it opened halfway through on a page that talked about 'Moving into our perpetual springtime'! I love it when God confirms He is speaking to us by bringing along similar imagery and messages. The passage in this book was talking about how God will take us out of 'a hard season and move us into a time of beautiful spring where will see the flowers, smell the fragrance, and dance again with our Bridegroom King' - what an amazing image, and so full of hope!!
We may be getting into Autumn right now but at any point God can bring us into the springtime season of our lives. Where we've known difficulty, hardship, depression, trouble or anguish, we can trust in our beloved Father; the gardener of our hearts and lives, to gently prune the things that no longer serve us, to provide us with all we need to grow, to heal us and bring us into a time of great joy and colour and the best possible life!
What a really sensitive and supportive piece of writing at a time when so many are concerned with the impact of ill-health on family, friends and neighbours. That sense of 're-cooperation' in the here and now and optimism in the future is an important message to voice. The seasons can be real companions in the way you describe! Thanks Ally!