Over these difficult few months we have been all too aware of the importance of prayer and moments of reflection and inspiration that have encouraged people throughout their own unique and often trying circumstances. Some AECI friends have described how they have begun to record their own thoughts and words in simple formats, perhaps revisiting them at different times, to help shape a 'prayer of their own' - an honest 'conversation with God' and an intimacy with the figure and ministry of Jesus Christ.
These have not replaced more traditional prayers or those of the 'Daily Office', but have perhaps shown 'a search' and 'a confidence' in the power of prayer peculiar to the individual's faith amidst the real challenges of the global pandemic, increased uncertainty and anxiety, of illness, loss and bereavement.
With this in mind, the AECI would like to collate a few such prayers and reflections over forthcoming months. If you do have some words that you have written and that you feel that you might like to share with a wider audience, please send to aecinstitute3@gmail.com , giving a little background as to how you compiled the prayer and the focus that it provided in your spiritual life. Of course, prayer is a deeply personal matter and any ideas sent to us will be treated with due sensitivity and with care and consideration .
The following prayer was offered by AECI friend Matthew, and we are grateful for his permission to use it. The focus is on the significance of 'praise' or 'adoration' in our worship, and the gift of the natural world that can turn our attention to 'higher truths' and to the source of promise and of renewal:
I am in praise
My heart lifts me towards the heavens
I know You more than I know myself
Abundant in gifts and in giving
A bountiful kindness through all of Creation
A Love hovering above and within
I am in adoration
I drink, I sing and proclaim only the patterns of your truthful and your merciful Kingdom before me
I want for nothing. You are my roots.
I am in praise.