Generations of Catholics have admired this young saint, the "Little Flower", and found in her short life a pathway to perfection in the ordinary events of life.
We turn our gaze to this young Carmelite, praying for all those who are suffering right now through war, famine and illness. May she shower roses of blessings on us.
St. Thérèse, you were faithful to God even unto the moment of your death. Pray for me that I may be faithful to our loving God. May my life bring peace and love to the world through faithful endurance in love for God our savior.
Her Doctrine of the “little way” is that of fidelity in small things, trust and complete self-surrender to God. As St. Thérèse says “Each prayer is more beautiful than the others. For me, prayer is an aspiration of the heart, it is a simple glance directed to heaven, it is something great, supernatural, which expands my soul and unites me to Jesus.”
May we draw inspiration from St Thérèse and develop our prayer life so that we too can aspire to walk in her footsteps and hope that our lives bring peace and love to the world.
We hope that with the offerings below we can help you grow spiritually and help you to reconnect with Jesus in your prayer life.
God bless you all,
St Thérèse Pray for us