Today we celebrate the patronal festival of our Cathedral at Coventry, which is dedicated to Michael the Archangel and all angels. This time is also known as 'Michaelmas'.
We therefore have cause to reflect on the existence of angels – coming from the Greek for “messenger”. Some people have testified to knowing the presence and protection of angels, while others might claim that they have seen or witnessed their guardian angel. Let’s hope a host of angels is surrounding us all during the COVID-19 crisis!
As we all know at the East entrance steps we have a 25ft bronze sculpture by Sir Jacob Epstein of St Michael subduing the devil through the power of heaven. Interestingly, Sir Jacob said of his final work that the emotion he tried to express in the figure of St Michael was not triumph but compassion.
On this day we pray particularly for Bishop Christopher, for Dean John Witcombe and for the whole ministry of our Cathedral within the life of the Anglican diocese.