From the 'Thicket Priory' Carmelite Community website on the feast day of Elizabeth of the Trinity (8/11/2022) :
Today we celebrate the feast of St Elizabeth of the Trinity (Élisabeth Catez 1880 - 1906), Carmelite nun of Dijon. She is especially known for her teachings on contemplative prayer, which she saw simply as being with God who dwells within each one of us.
She was ahead of her time in teaching that anyone can be a contemplative. Drawing mainly on St John's Gospel and the letters of St Paul, she wrote some beautiful reflections for her married sister, Guite, who had two small children (and eventually had nine!).
She also wrote letters to many other lay people, full of wise counsel for those wishing to combine contemplative prayer with a busy lifestyle.
She died at the age of 26 of Addison's Disease, which was incurable at that time.
You can read more about St Elizabeth on the 'Thicket Priory' website at the link below: