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AECI Advent 2021 Half Day Retreat: 'The Challenge of Time'

Zechariah's Prophecy

These are the final two elements of our AECI Advent Half Day Retreat. Thank you again for joining us!

In an earlier section of the retreat today Fr. Michael Cox talked about the extra 'time' that Zechariah needed to fully understand the significance of the events of that first Christmas. Here Zechariah lays out an historical and yet very personal testimony of God's involvement in our broken world.

'The dawn from on high will break upon us', he proclaims. Once again we see the image of light at the forefront of the story. We are assured that this dawn will encourage those who sit 'in darkness and in the shadow of death'. This seems indeed most relevant today as we continue to adapt to circumstances around the Covid pandemic. As we reach out to that spirit of tenderness still working among us and within us.

Listen to 'Zechariah's Song' at the link below:

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