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AECI Advent 2024 Reflection Week 4: 'There Is This One ...'

Updated: Dec 24, 2024

There Is This One Who Knows All Mysteries

'Mother Of God, tell me your mystery;

Of how your earthly life was spent: the way -

Right from the time of 'Fiat' - how you'd be

Buried in adoration, Mary! Say

How - in a peace, a silence - you

(What mystery!) could enter in

To Deeps that none but you could do -

Bearing the gift of God within.

Secure in God's embrace

Keep me, I ask. In me

His imprint may He place -

For wholly Love is He.

'Amo Christum.'

For Reflection:

In Advent we follow Mary's journey closely. We consider her courage and readiness to respond so openly to the encounter with the angel Gabriel, described in the Gospel of Luke. In her word 'Fiat' , we can look afresh at what unfolds from that point in history, the unveiling of 'the gift of God' , an opportunity to enter relationship with the Divine Being, one that can touch and transform us all as human beings.

Elizabeth identifies the 'peace' and 'silence' that leads Mary into a lifetime 'buried in adoration'. A young Jewish woman capable of such deep trust and aware of such salvific direction. As we move into Christmas Eve , this young woman is again our focus. It is she who shall bond with the 'holy child' so instantly, so rightfully, perpetually.

'Amo Christum' - I love Christ ' is very much on the lips of Elizabeth. It was in fact inscribed on the crossbeam of each sister's profession crucifix in the Dijon Carmel. Yet Elizabeth is aware that this phrase we can choose to echo only because of its origins in the heart and mind. the soul and body of Mary, 'Mother of God'.

Her path is marked by a willingness to meet the moment, to trace again the course of the sacred and be joyful amidst the proximity of the Lord. This Christmas , let us also celebrate with courage, with a settled and a resolute 'Love'.

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