Step 1/Week One: Others Have Been Where You Are Now:
One can feel extremely isolated and exposed to the 'whims' of the job market in the search for any new employment. It is sometimes worthwhile to stop and to listen to some of the experiences of others who have found themselves in a similar predicament.
Many will have experienced those lasting feelings and concerns about the future. Some might be older or younger than yourself. Some are of a different gender and ethnic background and with different work histories. Yet, all the people quoted here below have struggled with the wider issues brought on by the loss of one's job:
'Some days I’ll get in the car and drive for half an hour, just around the roads in my town, in my local neighborhood. It’s only a couple of miles, but at least that way I’m getting some fresh air, some sunlight' (Thomas)
I have sent so many application forms out that I've lost count ....and with little or no reply ...its all quite depressing' (Faisal)
'It's definitely an uphill struggle and it's proving harder then previous ones I've experienced. It's hard to have a positive outlook' (Charlotte)
‘There can be a strong sense of rejection. You become tired both physically and mentally in terms of all the job searching and the form filling. Fortunately I have a supportive network around me who can keep my spirits up’ (Matthew)
'It’s been pretty weird to be out of work; it gets to you slowly. I’ve always been a very self-sufficient person, and maybe it’s just my pride, but I want to be able to take care of myself and others. To have the rug pulled out from under you, to have to rely on others … it really hurts'. (Hayley)
Remember that you are not alone in the worries and the stresses that you face. Others have faced the struggles that now confront you - for there is no rule around who is affected by redundancy or unemployment, or when. It can happen very quickly and yet can also happen over a lengthier period of time as society, different sectors and industries change shape and direction.
Clearly the recent 'coronavirus outbreak' has impacted on the livelihoods of so many.The key in the weeks ahead is to show flexibility and determination and to not lose sight of those 'Primal Gifts' that we touched on in the introduction last week. Our own simple, irrepressible and truthful qualities that we hold deep within.
Next week we shall explore the importance of keeping a connection - however small - with the 'natural world as we adjust to a span of time without work.