'Ask and it will be given you; search and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and everyone who searches finds, and for everyone who knocks, the door will be opened' (The Sermon on the Mount)
Jesus has spoken of things that others seem to dare not speak of in public.
You are on the mountainside recalling the precise words that he uses but also noting the sensations or feelings within your own heart, your head and body.
He has conveyed lucidly, on more than one occasion in his sermon, a quest for 'righteousness' . A search that underlies our being, a childlike way before an omniscient and loving 'Father'.
Your own hopes for a better society are somehow laid bare, but so is your longing for a lasting moral courage and direction. Are you 'knocking at the door'? Are you prepared for 'the door' to be 'opened'?
He speaks directly to you as one of the crowd with clarity and authority. You sense his deep insight and wisdom. He has outlined a new vision to the people gathered, a just and compassionate way ahead, one where you too can play a part.
The people appear captivated by his teaching. Your soul has glimpsed the promise of stillness, of tenderness and of belonging.